
Windows Vista: 5 things you might not know about Microsoft's messiest OS release

Information technology's Windows Vista's birthday! Windows Vista was officially released on January 30, 2007, according to Microsoft. It is known equally Microsoft'south messiest OS release ever. It took a long time to develop, it was buggy at launch, required users to upgrade their hardware to feel the best new features, and was super expensive. If that isn't enough already, here are a few reasons why Windows Vista failed.

Evolution Reset

Windows Vista is the simply version of Windows in history to accept its development reset mid-bicycle due to the OS existence off course and way backside schedule. Originally codenamed Longhorn, Microsoft began development on Windows Vista in 2001, shortly before the launch of Windows XP. It had forecasted its launch for old in 2003, but over time it became increasingly obvious that that borderline was never going to be met. Microsoft added too many new features and technologies into the OS that it had become a full mess.

There was naught Microsoft could do to set the problem in a timely manner, so in 2004 it made the decision to reset development, scrapping a lot of the new lawmaking it had been working on in favor of a clean slate. Information technology would be years before Microsoft finally shipped Windows Vista, three years overdue. The evolution reset helped, even so, as it got Microsoft back on track and focused on what was virtually important for this release.

User Account Control

I of the reasons many people disliked Windows Vista was because of Microsoft's new account control that was supposed to help keep you lot secure. It was a prompt that popped upwardly whenever y'all wanted to run a programme or open a file. Information technology generated also many popups too oftentimes, nevertheless, and became more of a pain for users than helpful. While it did keep Vista secure, information technology was more of an annoyance than anything.

Microsoft later improved User Account Control in Windows 7, dialing it back a bit so that it wasn't every bit in your face every bit information technology was in Vista. User Account Control is actually still in apply in Windows today; yous tin can even discover it in Windows 10. It's still a feature that keeps rogue programs from running in the groundwork without your permission, keeping y'all rubber from malware and viruses.

Hardware Requirements

One of the biggest problems with Windows Vista was its demanding specifications. At the time, Windows Vista was a bit too new and heavy for a lot of the PCs on the market at the fourth dimension, which means the Os felt tiresome and cumbersome on some older Windows XP based machines. Windows Vista was a necessary step in upping hardware requirements, however, otherwise the Bone would not be able to progress and improve.

Still, that didn't stop users from complaining. Vista relied heavily on new hardware that was up to scratch, only many existing Windows users simply didn't have that hardware. There were likewise some "premium" features in Windows Vista, such as Aero, that was simply available to users who had the hardware to run it. It was also only bachelor on some SKUs, adding insult to injury.


Windows Vista was not cheap. When it originally launched, Microsoft was charging about $400 for the Ultimate edition, which is the equivalent of Windows 10 Pro today. For comparing, Windows 10 Pro is just $199, a lot less expensive than Windows Vista Ultimate was. Of course, at that place were lesser SKUs bachelor, only those likewise weren't cheap. Vista Home Premium was $239, still more expensive than Windows 10 Pro today.

Considering of this, many decided not to upgrade to Windows Vista. Windows XP was working fine, and since the press had already said Vista was bad in other areas, at that place was no existent incentive to splash out $400 on an Os that was, co-ordinate to the rest of the world, terrible.


When Windows Vista originally launched, information technology wasn't the most stable OS due to driver compatibility problems. That, forth with a lot of PC hardware at the time being subpar in regards to Vista's recommended specifications, made for an OS release that felt rough. Information technology wasn't until Windows Vista Service Pack 1 that about of the initial teething problems Vista faced were fixed, just at that point, information technology was just too late.

So there y'all have information technology, v reasons to why Windows Vista ultimately failed. I personally really loved Vista, by and large considering of its new Aero interface and security enhancements that brand Windows secure even today. Microsoft learned a lot from Windows Vista, which made for better Windows releases in the future. In fact, all versions of Windows released later Vista are based on it. Just goes to show upwardly important Vista is in the Windows line-up.

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